Are you an author with writer's block, table top role player that needs an instant non-player character (NPC), or simply enjoy practicing creativity? This app creates an entire personality profile of a person at the click of a single button. You will be given the appearance, wealth, emotional state, relationship status, habits, and more at every click of the create button. There are over Novemdecillion (1 * 10 to the 60th power) possible personality combinations that could come from this app. That is more people than have ever been on the Earth! Say you found a personality you like? That is no problem as you can email that personality directly to yourself, with no need to worry if you'll forget anything that was provided by the application. The email even provides a space for a name that you create.
The application is not genre or game specific, giving you enough information to provide a skeleton to the character while allowing you the flexibility to weave your own creative juices into a full narrative.
Please feel free to email me with suggestions, comments, and the interesting characters you've created at
[email protected].